What I’ve Done
Recognized Consultant exam

This two part exam consists of a vocabulary multiple choice test, and a practical exam where test takers must apply specifications and policies to specific scenarios.
Elearning design elements include a timed examination, and a lock out after beginning the exam. It also provides immediate scoring on the vocabulary exam portion.
The content in this module is proprietary and thus is not shareable.
audit an eye bank

The objective for this module is to "pre-quiz" an eye bank on its readiness to undergo an audit, before the real time visit.
Elearning design elements include step bars and a downloadable list of resources.
The content in this module is proprietary and thus is not shareable.
technology trivia

This quiz was developed for members to test themselves on how well they knew the history and policies surrounding the technology.
The content in this module is proprietary and thus is not shareable.