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New Hire Onboarding.JPG


Onboarding a new employee happens even before he or she steps through the door.

What I’ve Done

This set of modules was developed to provide a new hire with an overview of the standards organization and the key charter areas of the business. Modules then put a new hire in the shoes of a typical member, asking them to contextualize an abstract standard by making a device (a Bluetooth-enabled name badge), going through a qualification process with the product, then branding it as if they were going to market with it. The objective of this series is for the new hire to understand how the work s/he does fits within the constellation of member services, and to gain a bit of empathy for our "customers" (membership). 


Elearning design elements include a javascript-enabled form to fill out and print, a scavenger hunt, a branding practice scenario, and instructional videos. 


The content in this module is proprietary and thus is not shareable. 


A companion to the new hire onboarding modules, this virtual course provides managers wtih tools, checklists, and best practices when onboarding a new hire and integrating him or her into the team. 


Elearning elements include free navigation, click and reveal, accordian folder design, and downloadable checklists.


The content in this module is proprietary and thus is not shareable. However, a generic planning worksheet is not proprietary, so feel free to download it. 

new hire onboarding


onboarding a New team member

organizational timeline

Organizational Timeline.PNG

How do we tell new hires the origin story of the organization, and be consistent in highlighting the milestones and impacts it has had over the years? Enter Elearning, which provides a scaleable job aid for new hires.


Elearning elements include free navigation, embedded video and audio, and an archive of historical documents. The new hire can refer to this job aid throughout the first year to provide context on organizational norms.

The content in htis module is proprietary and thus is not shareable.  

new hire immersion

New Hire Onboarding.JPG

This module provided hands on experience in the operations of the variety of departments that make up the organization. New staff are asked to listen in and rate an organ donation call, make a determination if the tissue is safe for transplantation, and juggle multiple priorities when matching tissues with donors. 


Elearning design elements included drag and drop interactions, progress bars, gamified scoring and matching exercises with feedback. 


The content in this module is prorpietary and thus is not shareable. 

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